Tuesday, September 05, 2006

White Balance

Learnt a new thing yesterday, about white balance, & I experiment it by taking the picture of this fruit (aiyor, I dunno the name of this fruit in english, tell me if u know, keke) at nite under the incandescent (tungsten) bulbs from my kitchen ceiling.

The pix on the left is taken with my camera's AWB (auto white balance), which came out quite ok, but the color is too orangie. The pix on the right is taken with my camera's preset tungsten WB, & tadaaa..., the image gives a truer representation of the scene...

Read this from the photoxels website:
The reason that pictures turn out with a yellow/orange cast in incandescent (tungsten)
lighting and bluish in fluorescent lighting is because light has a colour temperature. A low colour temperature shifts light toward the red; a high colour temperature shifts light toward the blue. Different light sources emit light at different colour temperatures, and thus the colour cast.

This is where the concept of "White Balance" comes in. If we can tell the camera which object
in the room is white and supposed to come out white in the picture, the camera can calculate the difference between the current colour temperature of that object and the correct colour temperature of a white object. And then shift all colours by that difference.

To help us in those special situations without having to go through the trouble of manually
setting the white balance everytime, cameras provide preset WB settings such as, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Cloudy, Sunny, etc. Using preset WB can improve on a picture, especially under indoors lighting.

Explore your digital camera, & you will find wonders!

Day by day, am improving my photo shooting skills, hehe, not bad huh..

I still remember a phrase I read from the net --> People took great pictures, not digital cameras =)

1 comment:

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Wah. You now a camera expert. Must come take photos of my Sesame! Maybe when you come back from Miri, next weekend. He will be running around the house by then.