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Sebana is a nice resort overall, and viv like it. Its a good place to return to after a hard day's work. Viv even found a good place to jog, with nice sunset view; and they have wifi here... that's why viv can write her blog now, hehe. Went to the pub on tuesday nite, and they have a really good philippinos band here.
resort style rooms
the pool
the marina
my jogging track, by the river
i like this pix, u like it?
viv contemplating the river... before it went dark
yours truly posing =)
hmmm, btw, does viv looks like she is having a holidays rather than working??? No, no, no... its hard work for viv at site... Viv promise to take some photos of her work place later ya.... stay tuned!
So when you coming back to KL ah?
she forgot to attach my picture..jep@n
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